Ghosts: The Untapped Resource
Ghosts have one purpose: shenanigans. More ghosts exist than all of the people who have ever lived, and until now we've allowed them to roam the Earth free of charge.
Ghost Express has developed a complex system for finding, capturing and redistributing these ghosts, and we're finally ready to open up our services to the public!
Check out this interview with our founders in the Chicago Reader for our full story!
Send Someone A Unique Deluxe Ghost!
Full details
Your victim will receive:
1 magically-sealed package containing:
- 1 Randomly-chosen spirit from Containment Vault
- The object we used to lure & trap the ghost; usually something they have a significant attraction to, sealed in a small box with a burned-in Icelandic stave with sandalwood and sage ash. The external enclosure is sealed in black wax that has never seen the sunlight.
- 1 Information Card, detailing the ghost's:
- Date of Death
- Type of ghost (Orb, poltergeist, etc)
- Mood (The ghost usually remains in this mood eternally)
- Responses to our "Like and Dislike" questioning
- Please allow 5-7 days for this process before the ghost will ship
YOU will receive
1 Email containing:
- A receipt
Send Someone A Unique Ghost!
Full details
Your victim will receive:
1 magically-sealed package containing:
- 1 Randomly-chosen spirit from Containment Vault
- The object we used to lure & trap the ghost; usually something they have a significant attraction to.
- 1 Information Card, detailing the ghost's:
- Date of Death
- Type of ghost (Orb, poltergeist, etc)
- Mood (The ghost usually remains in this mood eternally)
- Responses to our "Like and Dislike" questioning
YOU will receive
1 Email containing:- A receipt